Contestants on India's Dadagiri certainly longed for the simpler days of Match Game while they were being verbally berated on stage, but then again, it's what they signed up for. Like, actually. The premise of Dadagiri is to withstand the simulated bullying of dadas while attempting physical and mental challenges.
Perhaps no one felt this more than Ravi Bhatia, the subject of the infamous "slapping incident." While one of the hosts, Esha, "the Goddess," verbally attacks him on stage, he and his partner calmly ignore her. This does not sit well with the Goddess, who states that the pair "have no life in them" before storming off. She returns only to tell them to "f**k off!" which Bhatia counters with a calm but sassy, "you go?" In response, she slaps him. He reflexively slaps her back, yelling, "How can you slap? How can you slap?" The other host and the producers quickly step in, shoving Bhatia to the side and beating him up. They yell, "How can you slap her?... You're f**king dead, bastard!" A group of at least 15 men eventually surround him, some beating him up and hurling insults at him, his mom, and his sister, and some half-heartedly trying to stop the others from physically assaulting him.
Although the violent incident never aired, the tapes somehow leaked and the footage went viral. With this evidence, Bhatia called for a public apology for his defamation, reports the Times of India.